The National Youth Council of Malta thanks H.E. President Spiteri Debono for hosting a Q&A session as[…]
We are thrilled to introduce our incredible team for the upcoming year: Director for Internal Affairs –[…]
Għal darb’oħra, il-Kunsill Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ, huwa honorat li se jkun qiegħed jerġgħa jorganizza l-Parlament Nazzjonali taż-Żgħażagħ fis-16[…]
Conducted by the National Youth Council of Malta in the lead-up to the 2024 European Parliament elections,[…]
Congratulations to the new board of the European Youth Forum, with special pride for our own International[…]
Some snaps from yesterday’s debate organised by KNŻ, @jefmalta & @esomalta, in collaboration with moderated by[…]
No one is above the law. Tonight, KNZ joined GħSL, and several other youth and student organisations[…]
This was Policy & Pints! A big thankyou to the MEP candidates and all those who joined[…]
It was a pleasure meeting the President of the European Parliament, @roberta.metsola KNŻ alumna, throughout the European[…]
KNŻ organized three Ewroagora events to explore key European issues. The first event addressed European values, covering[…]