KNŻ Statement on 16-Year Old Mayors

The National Youth Council has thoroughly considered the matter at hand and strongly advocates the adoption of a “yes, and…” approach, which underscores the pressing need to reevaluate our educational system. We firmly believe that this approach enhances our capacity to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issue under scrutiny. It is imperative to note that the Council has consistently supported the concept of VOTE16, and our stance remains unwavering in this regard.

The Council recognises the profound shift in the life experiences of contemporary 16-year-olds, a transformation significantly influenced by the introduction of VOTE16 and the unprecedented accessibility to resources for social and political engagement through the pervasive reach of social media. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility to acknowledge the potential influence of echo chamber dynamics on our perspectives. The Council is acutely aware that the demographic of youth actively involved in matters of active citizenship represents a relatively modest segment within the broader populace. This acknowledgment underscores the urgent necessity for a more extensive and pervasive cultivation of awareness and education on active citizenship, both within family and educational settings, as well as within the community at large.

From the Council’s vantage point, while we have consistently endorsed the principle of VOTE16, we approach the idea of 16-year-olds assuming leadership roles within local councils with a degree of caution. Our reservations revolve around the candidates’ limited life experiences, highlighting the essential need for experiential learning in areas of team leadership and municipal governance. The Council firmly believes that the present educational system falls short in adequately preparing these individuals for such responsibilities, even with the potential for system reforms. Furthermore, we contend that these candidates, due to their age, have not yet accrued the requisite life experiences, having not yet participated meaningfully in the workforce or comprehended the multifaceted challenges encountered by the average town resident.

Revitalising the National Youth Council of Localities is essential, as this step would reenergise the engagement of young individuals who aspire to participate in local council elections in their respective areas. This initiative, known as the Local Youth Councils initiative, was a collaborative effort between Aġenzija Żgħazagħ and KNŻ. Such a resurgence would not only reignite the enthusiasm of these young people within their communities but also provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the responsibilities and complexities associated with local council governance. Consequently, the reinstated National Youth Council of Localities would play a crucial role in equipping these potential candidates with the necessary knowledge and insights into how local councils function, thereby enhancing their readiness for the tasks ahead.


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