Gżira tal-Konkrit

It is alarming that, despite numerous assurances of promoting a greener and more sustainable future within our communities, instances akin to the one that transpired this week persistently recur. A number of trees that have adorned the periphery of the Mosta Rotunda for over fifty years, contributing to the community and ecosystem throughout this duration, have nonetheless been earmarked for relocation. While the local council promised to replace them with indigenous species, it is essential to acknowledge that the ecological benefits of the incumbent ficus trees, once uprooted, may not be replicated by their replacements. As the significance of these mature trees extends beyond their aesthetic contributions; they have played a pivotal role in enhancing the environmental quality of the vicinity, especially in providing habitat for birds. The proposed relocation, carried out with the blessing of the Environment and Resources Authority, prompts contemplation of the potential ecological impact and questions on how this was allowed. This includes assessing the adaptive capacity of the indigenous replacements to fulfill the ecological roles previously assumed by the ones present, especially considering the seasonal habitation of Spanish Sparrows, White Wagtails, and Common Starlings during the night. While one must also not forget the positive impacts these trees have on reducing pollution. This project echoes the current frustration felt by many, as further land is buried under a sea of cement and tarmac. To this end, the preservation of our natural heritage should be a priority to maintain the delicate balance between urban development and environmental conservation. So we are glad to hear that
the Local Council has reversed its plans to relocate these trees. However, it is imperative that the Environment and Resources Authority takes decisive action in the best interests of the community and the environment.

Endorsed by: @ekoxellugin@betapsimalta@esomalta@mzpnmalta@ghslmalta@maltmun@scubed_malta@ascsmalta@umrowing@jefmalta@guggozo@sacesmalta@mksa@ksumalta@vuci_kollettiva@mirsa.malta@dinlarthelwa


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